Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is the UK Government’s IT security certification. It was produced by the UK National Cyber Security Centre in conjunction with IASME who are responsible for the delivery of the scheme. It is ideal for small to medium organisations that want to defend against the most common cyber threats but do not want the more complex and costly ISO 27001 certification.

Keeping your Cyber Security systems updated and fit for purpose is an ongoing challenge and requires constant reviewing and checking. As the threats change and grow, your protection needs to be flexible and adaptable. Understanding data protection and the type of threats your business could face, is the first step toward ensuring your own business is cyber secure. Cyber security’s core function is to protect the devices we all use (smartphones, laptops, tablets and computers) and the services we access, both online and at work, from unauthorised access or damage.

Here at HBC our support team proactively keep their knowledge and expertise up to date, providing you with reassurance. HBC can carry out an annual certification, the costs of which are commensurate with the size of the company.

Cyber Essentials is the UK Government’s de facto IT security certification and is often a standard requirement for contracts and tenders as it considerably reduces your cyber risk. It was produced by the UK National Cyber Security Centre in conjunction with IASME who are responsible for the delivery of the scheme. It is ideal for small to medium organisations that want to defend against the most common cyber threats but do not want the more complex and costly ISO 27001 certification.

The five main controls for Cyber Essentials are:

  • Security update management
  • Firewalls
  • Secure configuration
  • Malware protection
  • User access control

Cyber Essentials Key benefits:

  • It will strengthen your security and help prevent data breaches.
  • It will help demonstrate to your customers you have taken steps to secure your systems.
  • Will help win new business, contracts and tenders.
  • Be listed on the IASME directory of organisations awarded Cyber Essentials.
  • Able to use the Cyber Essentials logo.

Our Engineers will work with you to audit your current systems and provide a tailored plan to increase security and secure your systems. The plan will be implemented by ourselves. We will provide a written IT security policy if you do not have one. Once all the systems are secured, we will then work through the Cyber Essentials portal submission which is a set of standard questions that is then submitted to IASME for marking by an Assessor. Upon successful completion of Cyber Essentials a certificate is provided and is valid for 12 months.

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